Sunday, October 30, 2005


New 'puter!

omgomgomgomgomgomg halp!


Friday, October 28, 2005

You know, just a few things.

I got a paper back today from my Smith class. The comments at the end, accompanying my grade (I'll leave you to guess what it is from the comments), were just 'Tom, this is an excellent paper in all respects. Keep up the good work!'

Now, while I appreciate his appraisal of my work, I also have an issue with it. It doesn't tell me how I can strengthen my paper. It doesn't tell me what I can do better. What I can do to improve it. And thus, my friends, is why grades are passe and Hampshire rocks.

Next, weed. Pot. And potsmokers, with their little 'High Times' and culture. Fuck it. It's for losers. Smoking weed is for losers. Bleh, further ellaboration on this point shall be contained.

Next, an Amherst professor refused to grade a friend's paper because she refused to regurgitate his lecture notes back to him. She disagreed with his interpretation, and as a result he said he wouldn't grade her paper until she rewrote it to say what he wanted. Another reason why Hampshire rocks.

Fuck grades, fuck weed, fuck Amherst College, and most of all, FUCK the establishment. Your time in the sun is over boys. You've killed my planet enough. Time to step aside and let the new order rise.

The Order of Snuggles.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A Few Things

1. Rosa Parks just passed away. She did a great thing for this nation by refusing to get out of her seat 50 years ago. If only more had her courage.

2. God willing, the GOP will become so mired in scandal that new Democrats can have enough voice in the Washington to fix this country.

3. The left lane on a highway is for passing. It is not a travel lane. Using it as a travel lane and forcing people to pass you on the right is not only morally wrong, it's also being a fucking jackass.

4. SJCA and I have, I think, said our final goodbyes. There might be one or two people from there I'd like to see again, but I don't think I'll go back to the campus. That ship has in fact sailed.

5. The best times to drive I-95 are Saturday mornings and Sunday nights. Although maybe Sunday mornings are good, too.

6. My new computer is on its way into my loving arms. If only I wasn't so poor now.

7. I need to start reading and writing alot more for my Division 3. I also need to really try and figure out what I want to do.

8. I have to poop. I can only assume I'll think of more things while sitting on the throne.

9. I just had a great idea. I told Chai about it. Maybe he'll bite.

10. Rain sucks when it's constant, or when it interrupts plans.

11. Dude, Fuck Your Blog was the best thing to happen to the internet. God willing, it shall rise again.

Monday, October 10, 2005

What to say?

I'm div3. w00t!

I bought a new computer the other day. It's in the mail. w00t!

I emptied out half my bank account to do it, though. So that fucking sucks.

Spent a great weekend at home with Sam and his new babe, Christie, although it's more of a temporary, have-fun-kinda-thing between them since Sam is going out to Ohio soon.

Man, Ohio. Fuck you, Bob Taft.

Noam Chomsky speaks at Hampshire on Tuesday night. Awesome.

I cut myself shaving today. First time in...years. 5 years, maybe? Long time.

My div3 is, I think, going to look at the obligation of states to integrate non-citizen and immigrant populations into their polity. Why should states do these things? Are there merely political considerations that should be accounted for in integration, or do states have a larger ethical and moral responsibility to integrate? What is a state, or a nation, or a nation-state, and what does it mean? What does the idea 'an American' mean? A 'Brit?' What is a national or cultural identity and how important are these things to the considerations of a state?

How does one factor in real world issues? For example, Britain after the July 7th bombings - how did this affect race relations in Britain?

Back up a step. I'm not focusing on race. I'm focusing on non-citizen and immigrant populations, it just so happens that most of the time, these lines are also drawn along the color lines. Can we continue? Good.

Recently, a racial watchdog in Britain said the country was 'sleepwalking towards segregation.' What does this mean for the future of integration in Britain, and Europe? Certainly, July 7th contributed to this, but did the lack of integration lead to July 7th? Will integration in the future prevent another July 7th, or will July 7th prevent future integration?