Thursday, August 25, 2005

Step One

A clean slate. Fabulous.

As there was nothing here worth, well, anything, I deleted it all. I'm going to begin the process of transferring old lj posts from there to here if I think they're worth it. I have a few in mind, anyway.

This is going to be a personal blog. When I say personal, I don't mean it's going to be all about my life, because honestly, I don't want to read that shit. It is, however, going to be a soapbox, a journal, and perhaps commentary on the world.

It is, in many ways, a place whereby I can write when I need to write, and where I can write what I need to write.

The title is nothing more than homage to the greatest graphic novel ever written. I don't intend for this to be a serious blog where I pursue those in power for their mistakes, although considering my politics that will undoubtedly find its way into my blog.

Heaven forfend, I called it a blog.