Friday, October 28, 2005

You know, just a few things.

I got a paper back today from my Smith class. The comments at the end, accompanying my grade (I'll leave you to guess what it is from the comments), were just 'Tom, this is an excellent paper in all respects. Keep up the good work!'

Now, while I appreciate his appraisal of my work, I also have an issue with it. It doesn't tell me how I can strengthen my paper. It doesn't tell me what I can do better. What I can do to improve it. And thus, my friends, is why grades are passe and Hampshire rocks.

Next, weed. Pot. And potsmokers, with their little 'High Times' and culture. Fuck it. It's for losers. Smoking weed is for losers. Bleh, further ellaboration on this point shall be contained.

Next, an Amherst professor refused to grade a friend's paper because she refused to regurgitate his lecture notes back to him. She disagreed with his interpretation, and as a result he said he wouldn't grade her paper until she rewrote it to say what he wanted. Another reason why Hampshire rocks.

Fuck grades, fuck weed, fuck Amherst College, and most of all, FUCK the establishment. Your time in the sun is over boys. You've killed my planet enough. Time to step aside and let the new order rise.

The Order of Snuggles.


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